About the ECNL Learning Center

Who is ECNL and what is the ECNL Learning Center?

We are experts on civil society law and policy. We create knowledge, build networks and help strengthen legal protections for civic freedoms. A core approach of our work is empowering activists and organisations so that together we can expand civic freedoms through the power of joint action.

We created the Learning Center to share a variety of different tools and resources with civil society practitioners so that they can learn more about key aspects that affect their day-to-day work. It is a free, easily accessible platform with a unique layout.

What can you find on the ECNL Learning Center?

The topic of civic space covers a wide range of issues related to how individuals, organisations and movements can come together freely and participate effectively in the functioning of democratic societies. On the Learning Center you currently find three main thematic sections, focusing on (1) Tech and Artificial Intelligence (AI), (2) Security and Counter-Terrorism, and (3) Participation..  

These thematic sections consist of several learning packages. The packages are built up in a way that you first get a general introduction to the topic outlining the human rights and civic space impacts of each. In the following packages you can then dive deeper into various questions. 

In the learning packages you will find:

  • essential information providing context as well as a deep-dive into each selected issue;
  • short explainer videos;
  • testimonials from your peers;
  • case studies that introduce the real-life impact of civic space issues in different countries;
  • key resources including webinars, briefers, research materials and policy papers that will support your work.  

All this is designed in a way so that you can apply information presented in practice, in your own local contexts.

Under the first thematic section you can now learn more about how AI impacts your human rights, civic freedoms or work as a civil society activist. In the second section you can explore how different elements of security and counter-terrorism measures, such as risk assessment or de-risking, affect the space you work in. In the third section, you can learn more about EU participation mechanisms. The Learning Center is not a finished project: it will continue to grow over time, offering more thematic sections, more resources and more case studies. Subscribe to our newsletter here for updates on new content added.

How can you use the ECNL Learning Center?

Do you need to register?

No. The Learning Center is accessible without registration and you can go through the packages at your own pace without the complexity of a full-on e-module learning course.

Do you have to start at the beginning?

If you need a general introduction to the different thematic areas, start with the first packages, as they provide the general context in manageable bits. From there on you can go through the packages in any way you wish: review one package after the other, pick a particular issue that you are interested in and learn about it in depth, or revisit only the specific sections of packages that you most need for your work.

How do you see your progress?

The progress bar on top indicates where you are within the content of the given package. With the "On this page" quick links you can easily navigate to sections that you want to.

Can you test your knowledge?

Yes. Make sure to check out the mini quizzes, end-of-section tests and questions as they all offer a moment for self-reflection. When designing the learning packages, we made sure to discuss how the issues raised are related to your day-to-day work. However, everyone's context is different, so it is essential that you can reflect on your own situation. The self-reflection questions will help you to do just that.

Can you share content from the Learning Center?

Yes. You can easily share learning packages, as every section comes with its own hyperlink that can be forwarded. Resource materials are provided in downloadable format to be easily sent to partners and colleagues, too.


The glossary page lists all the most often used abbreviations and acronyms to get you familiar with the civic space jargon.


Your feedback is important to us. In each learning package you will find a form through which you can contact us if you have any questions or suggestions how to improve the site.